Earth Sciences Data – Part 1: Ocean Data View

Zielgruppe: Studierende
Programm: Tech
Autor/in: Prof. Dr. Julia Gottschalk & M.Sc. Peter Matzerath
Average Workload: ≈ 30 Hours
Course Start: Flexibel
Field of Knowledge: Selbstlernkurs Enrol

What awaits you in this course?

This Future-Skills module Earth Sciences Data – Part 1: Ocean Data View aims to give you an introduction into the geodata visualization and analysis possibilities that the software Ocean Data View (ODV) offers.

This module is primarily designed for students of marine related sciences, who are interested in visualizing and analyzing ocean dataset. It does not require any knowledge of the software Ocean Data View. By the end of this module you will be able to import, analyse and visualize a variety of datatypes (.txt, .nc and .odv) in Ocean Data View, by using different data window types (station, scatter, section and surface windows), integrated gridding options, contouring, creating and deriving isosurface variables and many more.

The module is subdivided into nine chapters including 17 learning videos with several tutorials and exercises. The learning videos provide step-by-step instructions. You will have the opportunity to experiment and implement the acquired knowledge in the software, right alongside the videos. Most chapters are supplemented by exercises with downloadable datasets, as well as instruction and answer sheets, which can be used to consolidate, deepen and practically apply the learning outcomes and get a first experience on visualizing marine datasets on your own.

Further authors

Prof. Dr. Julia Gottschalk

👩‍🎓 Professor for Paleoceanography and Marine Geology

🏛 Institute of Geosciences at Kiel University

💻 In this module: Tutorials and Presentations

🌍 Website

M.Sc. Peter Matzerath

👨‍🎓 PhD student in Paleoceanography and Marine Geology

🏛 Institute of Geosciences at Kiel University

💻 In this module: Exercises

🌍 Website
